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Re-Birth Therapy

Re-birth therapy uses Matrix Reimprinting or energy psychology as I like to call it, which is a powerful therapy combining the use of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with individual visualisation, to process and release the chronic effects of past trauma and stress in the subconscious mind.

The process connects people with their past birth, birthing or utero trauma while safely enabling them to clear and transform the trauma. 


In The Womb


The experience of life and how life is perceived can begin in the womb. In utero, a growing baby absorbs its mother’s feelings and emotional responses which may influence its developing attachment relationship.

Inside the womb, a baby is already learning whether the world is either a safe or an unsafe place to be. Babies have what’s known as implicit memory. This is memory that isn’t within consciousness but which can be accessed later in life through the felt-senses in the body.

Therefore if a baby is handled roughly at birth it creates an imprint, an implicit memory, that perhaps the world isn’t safe and which may then influence a whole range of fear-based, negative beliefs throughout life. In fact any issues that happen in utero, during and immediately after birth, and during the hours and days after being born may become precursor and cause of emotional and physical issues later in life.


Whether you are looking to release trauma from past experience or transform a future birth in to a positive experience, Re-Birth Therapy maybe able to help support you.

In person and online appointments are available.





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