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Pregnancy Yoga Health Questionnaire

Please complete the form to the best of your knowledge and be assured that it will be treated in the strictest confidence. The questionnaire is designed to make sure that you and baby can practice safely. If there is anything you are unsure about or would like to chat through, please get in touch.

Before you fill out this questionnaire and send the form back to Nurtured Soul, we advise you read the privacy policy so you understand and accept what happens to your data. By you forwarding the questionnaire on to us, we will assume you accept the privacy policies stated.

Please fill out the following form.

Date of birth
Preferred Contact
Number of weeks pregnant
Pregnant with twins
During this pregnancy what are you currently experiencing? (please tick those that are affecting you right now)
Have you had a major injury in the last 5 years? If yes please give more details in the section below that says 'more details'
Are you taking any prescribed medication? If yes please give more details in the section below that says 'more details'
Are you receiving any treatment for diagnosed medical conditions? If yes please give more details in the section below that says 'more details'
Have you had any recent operations? If yes please give more details in the section below that says 'more details'

Medical conditions separate to the pregnancy

Whilst yoga may be practised safely by most people, there are certain conditions which require special attention. If you are unsure, please consult your GP before commencing class. Please tick the boxes below if you have any of the following medical condi
Please let me know what aspects of pregnancy yoga you are interested in?
Please tick if you agree with this statement
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